Hyperphoto – An Illusion of the Reality by J.F Rauzier
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-4988" title="Hyper photo An illusion Of reality [Jean-François online casino Rauzier]” src=”https://www.pickchur.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Hyper-photo-An-illusion-Of-reality-7.jpg” alt=”” width=”640″ height=”383″ />
These surreal photographs are creations of Jean Francois Rauzier, French artist, born in 1952. Since childhood, Francois developed an interest in photography and as he grew his fascination grew as well. Numerical photography penetrated the market 15 years ago and that captivated him, transforming Rauzier to a “virtual” painter. In 2002, he created the concept of Hyperphoto in which he does the impossible by combining both infinitely big and infinitely small things in a single set. He achieves that by duplicating, twisting and juxtaposing images using Photoshop which resulted in reproduction of human vision.