Some Cool and Weird Bus Stops You Probably Haven’t Seen Before
We see bus stops daily, rushed with people, a normal looking sheltered place where frustrated human beings anxiously wait for their darling wagons but there are some bus stops out there in the world which can make...
- Posted 11 years ago
Acrylic Mirror Sculptures by Rob Mulholland
A Scottish Artist, Rob Mulholland has built a range of sculptures out of Perspex glass that camouflage themselves into the background and appears at you suddenly as you change your perspective. According to the artists these sculptures represent people from...
- Posted 12 years ago
Water Sculptures with Precision Photography Magic
It’s now easier to capture short lived natural moments, thanks to the extreme precision of modern cameras. The precision photography is becoming an art which exists in capturing events that live for a fraction of a eye....
- Posted 13 years ago
Lively Sculptures made out of Chicken Wire
A french artist, Cedric Le Borgne, who already showed his artworks in more than 35 international displaying events now comes up with an interesting idea for sculptures that are displayed at a 4-day light festival held at Durham, England....
- Posted 13 years ago