You Would Not Believe How This Artist Embroiders On Leaves
Hillary Fayle is a remarkable embroidery artist who chose an incredibly and truly original medium for her work – leaves. Her eminently delicate and fragile embroideries look almost impossible on the flimsy surface. For the leaves to remain...
- Posted 11 years ago
Photographer Honors Dead Animals in Amazing Photoseries
Russian photographer Maria Ionova-Gribina has managed to create a deeply sad and personal photo series “Natura Morta” to honor the dead animals she found during her summer bicycle rides. The flower beds and photos pay respect to the deceased animals...
- Posted 11 years ago
No two snowflakes are alike, and here’s the proof
Just like human fingerprints, no two snowflakes are alike. There’s so need to search the internet as you can prove it yourself just like photographer Alexey Kljatov did with these amazing shots. All you need is a...
- Posted 11 years ago
Three Lakes, Three Colors, One Volcano
<img style="display: block; float: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 0px;" title="Kelimutu Lake 9" casino src=”https://www.pickchur.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/KelimutuLake9.jpg” alt=”Kelimutu Lake 9″ width=”640″ height=”394″ border=”0″ /> Mount Kelimutu is situated in eponymous national park on the island of Flores. The...
- Posted 12 years ago
Nature combined with a little Photoshop to make it Magical
Okay, we agree that natural photography should not be tempered by computer so that we preserve the originallity but it’s fun to change the taste for a change. A Pakistani photographer, Naveed Mughal, has been capturing the...
- Posted 13 years ago
9 Most Scary and Horrible Looking but Harmless Animals
1. Daubentonia Madagascariensis, commonly known as Aye-aye This hideous looking creature is Aye-aye, a Madagascar native primate. The creature is going extinct as the villagers in Madagascar are killing this weird looking creature because of silly superstition....
- Posted 14 years ago
Animals you would have never Dreamed to Ride
You might have seen many riding animal or mounts including horses, mules, elephant, ostrich, camel, donkeys and camels, all these animals have been used for riding purposes for centuries. But I am sure that the animals that...
- Posted 15 years ago
Animals that Love Photography
- Posted 15 years ago