If This Doesn’t Make You want to be a Parent, Absolutely nothing Ever will

Lots of people see kids as life-changing burden and crippling commitment, but others look at the situation differently. Having kids can be life changing, but in a good, funnier kind of way. Here are 10 reasons why you should have kids if you haven’t already:

You won’t need to get extra toilet paper yourself

Kids (4)

You have someone to be weird in public with, and it’s totally okay

Kids (9)

They have their own way of expressing love

Kids (2)

Every time you wake up from a nap, you’re going to get a surprise. Guaranteed

Kids (7)

You don’t have to look for remote anymore

Kids (5)

Stealing is totally necessary

Kids (6)

Your own in-house hair stylists

Kids (8)

They know the ‘art’ of playing hide and seek

Kids (1)

They know how to plan a Saturday

Kids (3)

Kids can show us how to be truly generous

Kids (10)

Even when they’re sick, they know how to roll with style

Kids (11)

And this..

[via viralnova]