Unrelated Doppelgänger Photographed Together – 28 Photos
The couples you’re about to see are completely unrelated and may live far away from each other, yet they look as if they’re twins. Photographer Francois Brunelle, after studying human face for about 45 years, has now set out on a mission to compile 200 photos of Doppelgänger from around the world.
“I found my first subjects simply through people I knew who looked alike. Then as the media covered my project, more people came forward to take part.” said Brunelle.
The project ensures that none of the individuals photographed together are related by blood. Photographed in black and white with each pair of individuals wearing the same clothes definitely helps and some of the pairs may not look ‘exactly’ the same, but one can definitely be mistaken for the other. If you’ve found someone who looks exactly like you but not related by blood, you can help expands the project by volunteering in. [Source: dailymail]